Chapter History
In the year 1769, by order of Carlos III, an expedition was formed to explore and claim the territory now known as California for the Spanish crown. This happened under the leadership of Portola, who was to establish presidios, and with Father Junipero Serra to establish missions. The expedition started in the south near what is now the San Diego area and traveled up the coast north towards what is now the San Francisco area.
Along this historic trail called El Camino Real, The Highway of the King was founded which connects the Spanish 21 missions that make it one of the most historic highways of our country.
Midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, the expedition passed through a beautiful valley shaded by large oak trees. This valley was called "El Paso de Robles," meaning, "The Pass of the Oaks," and from this, our town received its historic name.

The El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, was officially organized on February 25, 1950. Marie Appleton had been appointed by the executive board of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution as organizing regent for a new chapter of the DAR in Paso Robles, California. The chapter was sponsored by the Los Padres Chapter, NSDAR, of San Luis Obispo. Seven local members of the sponsoring chapter would transfer their memberships to the new Paso Robles Chapter, NSDAR.
At the first meeting, California DAR State Regent Mrs. Danforth, assisted by California State Organizing Secretary Mrs. Parry, conducted the ceremonies. Estell Marquart, past regent of Los Padres Chapter, NSDAR, presented a gavel to the new chapter. Mrs. Danforth spoke to the group of the objectives and aims of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, Founding Officers:
Regent Marie Appleton
Vice Regent Ruth Hatch
Chaplain Mrs. Elliot
Recording Secretary Mrs. Elliot
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Adams
Treasurer Mrs. Raitt
Historian Mrs. Trager
Librarian Mrs. Anderson

El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, is an active chapter honoring our ancestors who fought for our nation’s independence. We are committed to volunteer service. Our chapter works as a team, while we learn about one another and our ancestors.
El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, will be celebrating 75 years on February 16, 2025. We are honored to contribute to the DAR and North County communities through historic preservation, education, and patriotism while making lifelong friends.
El Paso de Robles Chapter, NSDAR, will be celebrating 75 years on February 16, 2025. We are honored to contribute to the DAR and North County communities through historic preservation, education, and patriotism while making lifelong friends.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution